Thursday, October 4, 2007

Cultural independance

I have a goal- one that few if any can achieve in this day and age: I aspire to live my life without being bound by culture. Now if you think this is hard, it's a lot more difficult than you think. Especially since most of the ways that society controls us we aren't aware. I'm not paranoid, I'm informed. Listen up and you will be too, if only a little.

When we're attracted to others, or analyzing someone's physical beauty...sure there are certain qualities that are entirely up to physical taste. But when it comes down to it, society dictates beauty. Because we grew up in society, We can't help but think that obesity, acne, moles, warts, hair (in certain places), baldness, and all the other "blemishes"- are ugly. But when it comes down to it, it's only ugly because that's what we were to believe. Although there are other barriers (which I will get to), this probably makes up the bulk of the control society exerts over us, and as such will also be the most challenging for even me, to overcome. This is because I, and probably all of us, have been raised accepting such utterly vain ideals. Staying healthy is one thing, but there is a limit, and it was crossed a long time ago.

Now to the part that concerns myself:

I have a very specific moral code, and it is as follows:

1. If an action/behavior/lifestyle/etc. does not hurt oneself or others in and of itself, it is morally right. (Morality tends to be black and white, thus- if it is not wrong, it must be right)

2. If something is morally right (by the above definition), and is the best/only method to obtain certain desired benefits, then I should incorporate it into my lifestyle.

an example of #2 (to elaborate) is my reasoning not to smoke. Although smoking does give people a "high", and also has social benefits, but the "high" and social benefits can be obtain using much better methods, and ones that do not lead to addiction, as well as not involving the offensiveness smoking has in many circumstances. Thus, I do not smoke, because there's no reason to.

For this reason, I have decided that bisexuality is a lifestyle I should incorporate. In and of itself, it has no negativity involved for either myself or others, and there are benefits that can only be obtained by taking on such a lifestyle, both in social/sexual experience, and the amount of variety (doubled). There is also one other benefit that is probably unique to myself. Ever since I was a child, I only had friendships with girls, and as a result lost the ability to (naturally) make friends with males, especially those my own age. Until recently, I strongly believed that being friends with males my age was impossible. However, a more romantic perspective would probably shake this belief away, broadening my horizons in more way than one.

There are many other lifestyles/behaviors that society shuns, and I will probably not find them all. But in order to accomplish my goal, I need to feel comfortable with all of these, if they agree with my moral code as defined above.

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