Saturday, August 4, 2007

Strengths and Weaknesses

Fairly recently I made a list of my personal strengths and weaknesses. of course, this is of no benefit unless you know me, so I guess if you have no intention of knowing me you just wasted your time, lol!


concepts: I seem to be very good with concepts, i.e., love, war, peace, culture, life, death, etc.

logic: as in I'm good at thinking logically. ok, maybe I'll try to be more specific later, but I thing everyone knows what I'm implyiing anyway.

psychology: I've always thought of myself as a step ahead on understanding psychology, so recently I put it to the test. it was a success. then later on I open one of my dad's college books on it, and I found I understood every bit of it immediately, and I couldn't find anything in there that I didn't already know.

intellect: basically I'm really good at using big words with ease, and I talk a whole lot. kinda like a ten year old that happened to be a college graduate I suppose.

assertion: should also be self explanatory- I have no problem speaking my mind, or with confrontation. I know my rights and I do not hesitate to take advantage of them.

insight: Every once in a while I come up with these big insights while watching anime or other tv series. I guess it usually happens around those times because they stimulate my mind, and emulate life experiences.

deductive reasoning: most of the time, I take my insights, and build upon them with new insights. I do this using deductive reasoning, i.e., if a=b, and b=c, than a=c, etc. basically I take what I've learned and apply that knowledge to new perspectives, resulting in adding another dimension to those concepts. This helps me to become aware of many of my insights.

single-tasking: I'm probably really good at single tasking for reasons along the lines of why I'm not good at multitasking. I tend to be really good at analyzing I guess. or maybe something else.

maturity: I guess I consider myself to be mature, since I have high moral standards, and perspectives on life that most people my age couldn't relate to. People have called me mature for this reason, although many would consider me no, since I don't go to school or work, and live with my dad. In either case, I'll leave that up to you. I can't say I worry about it much.

long-term memory: I have a really good long-term memory, but I think this may possibly have more disadvantages than advantages. for example, most of the times I recall memories they are completely random and meaningless memories from several years ago, many over ten. but there are some things I'm glad I remember all of it, like I remember a lot about my first (and only) girlfriend in the second grade. We had some good times. Oh, for those of you that thought you read wrong, you didn't.

I've only had one girlfriend in my life, and it was in the second grade. I'm a virgin, and I've never been on a date.


data: when I say this, I'm referring to visual material, such as written, and graphical. yes I know that includes what I'm writing. what I mean is that I have trouble absorbing visual material. If I didn't aready know what I was writing, I would have trouble understanding it. this didn't used to be much trouble before, but it has lately. (graphical refering to charts, graphs, etc.)
visualization: basically, I have trouble visualizing things. correction, I cannot visualize anything. I am completely unable to picture anything in my head. I know, sounds crazy, huh? oh well.

organization: I don't know if I was more organized before, but as far as I know, I've always been disorganized. hard as I try, if I were to clean my room spotless and organized, it would dismantle within days.

reflexes: Took me a while to figure this one out, but then I realized why I such so much at video games, sports, etc. I took an OkCupid test, and lo and behold, I took over 10 seconds (the record being less than 2 seconds.)

multitasking: self-explanatory- I really suck at it. For example (this is a fact) if I were to engage in conversation every time I walked by a particular building, or even person, even if I were to walk past them repeated times, they would not look familiar, since I would have no recollection of them. When I'm talking, I am always completely unaware of my surroundings without fail.

short-term memory: this weakness has been a curse my entire life. I have met so many people and forgottent their names almost immediately after meeting them. it's very embarrassing. (and I've also lost quite a few of girl's #'s over the years thanks to being so disorganized.)

planning: yeah, this is also a major weakness for me. I find it really difficult to plan things, and constantly forget to carry things out even when I do make successful plans. this is probably a large part of why I suck at chess and freeciv and other strategy games. I'm really bad at planning and strategy, and on top of that am prone to make mistakes due to my short term memory, disorganization, etc.

bluntness: yes, I tend to be extremely blunt. I originally thought of it as a strength, but then I realized that I need to make an exception for the majority of the world that tends to take things more personally than me. honesty does not require bluntness, so think I'll work on diplomacy.

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